David Fitzgerald Appointed Chief
Executive Of Motor Insurers’

Tuesday, 02 August 2016

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland (MIBI) has announced the appointment of Mr. David Fitzgerald as their new Chief Executive.

An experienced insurance industry professional, David Fitzgerald was previously Head of Claims and a member of the Executive Management team at Allianz Ireland, a role he held since 2010. Before that David was a Country Manager for Allianz, based in their headquarters in Munich, Germany. This role involved monitoring, supporting and challenging the performance and strategic plans of Allianz companies operating in Ireland, Australia and international health markets.

He has also held a number of other roles in Allianz.

A qualified accountant, David trained with Brenson Lawlor Chartered Accountants. He holds a Professional Diploma in Insurance (CIP) from the Insurance Institute of Ireland and is also a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).

David is married to Kimberly and lives in Glenageary, Co. Dublin.

Speaking following his appointment, Mr. Fitzgerald said, “I’m honoured to hold the position of Chief Executive of the MIBI. The MIBI plays an extremely significant role in the motor insurance sector in Ireland. This organisation has a proud history of delivering the vitally important service of compensating victims of road traffic accidents caused by uninsured and unidentified vehicles. Our role and our remit has been clearly defined over the years and we believe this organisation has been very successful in delivering on these responsibilities.

“With the advent of the Setanta Insurance case we are now entering a period of uncertainty for the MIBI and that will be the immediate challenge facing our organisation. We will be urgently looking to work with Government to ensure that regardless of the outcome of the current legal process, action is taken to ensure that the traditional remit of the MIBI is protected and further enshrined in law.

“Another key objective will be to work with the Government, the Gardaí Síochana, the insurance industry and other authorities to help reduce the number of uninsured drivers on our roads and to help stamp out the scourge of fraudulent claims within the motor insurance sector. These are challenging goals but we are confident we can achieve further progress which will help improve the motor insurance environment throughout this country,” Mr. Fitzgerald concluded.


About The Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland (“MIBI”)

The MIBI was established in 1955 by an Agreement between the Government and the companies underwriting motor insurance in Ireland for the purpose of compensating victims of road traffic accidents caused by uninsured and unidentified vehicles. All insurers underwriting motor insurance in Ireland are required to be members of the MIBI. The MIBI is funded entirely by motor insurance companies operating in Ireland and ultimately by premiums paid by all insured motorists. In the year ended December 31, 2015, the MIBI paid claims of €65m.

You can learn more by visiting www.mibi.ie